Book Review: Not Even There
by J. Scott Sharp
"Betrayal is sneaky. Sometimes, a person doesn't know they've deceived someone until it's too late, or maybe they do and don’t want to admit to it. If a person betrays someone in front of their face, it's a safe bet that they never gave a shit any way. At least that’s what I thought."
In this short story by Sharp, sixteen year old Roger plays a dual role in a tragic incident of betrayal that is based on an age old triangle, two men who love the same woman. I can still remember all the days of uncertainty that made up the high school years. Every win is the highest peak. Every loss is the most devastating thing possible. Every reaction to it all will consume your entire being. Moderation isn't even in the vocabulary.
Sharp executes this tragic piece with precision and heart as he takes you back to the pains of high school and young love. I'm not sure whose part of the story hit harder, Roger's or David's. The end even has a "wait, did I just read that right" twist that you won't see coming.
I wouldn't recommend this for a young teen, but college age and up.
BIS Rating: 3 nightlights
BIS Rating system:
1 nightlight = put it down and didn't care to pick it back up
2 nightlights = finished the book
3 nightlights = enjoyed the book but probably wouldn't re-read it
4 nightlights = had a hard time putting the book down
5 nightlights = stayed up way too late to finish instead of going to bed
Not currently available for purchase.
Disclosure: The author provided a free e-copy to me for review.
(originally posted 9 May 2012)